What´s on
Shrovetide (Saturday 3 February)
Shrovetide customs, masked procession through the village, competition to find the best mask, demonstrations of the production of specialities made from locally slaughtered pigs and their sale. The Burial of the Bass Ceremony.
Easter in the Haná region (Saturday 30 March)
Traditional Easter and springtime customs, decorating Easter eggs, braiding willow plaits, baking hot cross buns and a performance by a children’s choir.
Traditional carpentry (Saturday 13 July)
A presentation of a traditional folk craft. Planing, trimming and other log processing using special carpentry tools and implements.
Harvest Time in Hana (Saturday 27 July)
Mowing with a scythe, clearing with a winnow. Harvesting and threshing cereal grain, scything with a cradle scythe, binding into sheaves, stacking sheaves in stooks, a demonstration of period machinery, threshing with a hand flail, threshing with a historic threshing machine.
Horseplay (Sunday 24 August)
A special programme for children – a return to the past with children’s games and entertainment from the times of our great-grandparents. Horse rides, archery, art workshop, fencing performance, a demonstration of dog-assisted therapy, face painting, physical activities for young and old. Craft fair, the Studio bez Kliky Theatre. Listen and dance to the group Isbina.
The XV Meeting of the Hanakians (Saturday 28 September)
Traveling folklore festival of the folk costumes, dances, songs, traditions and crafts of the Haná region. This year, it is to be held in the village of Příkazy for the first time.
Hanakian Christmas (Saturday 30 October)
The genuine Christmas atmosphere of a Hanakian homestead at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Baking Christmas confectionary, Hanakian customs and traditions, Christmas fair. A demonstration of a Christmas Eve table and the presentation of traditional Advent and Christmas customs and habits.
Permanent exhibition
May – September
The Kameníčkův Homestead
A tour of the residential and farm areas of the Kameníčkův Homestead dating back to 1876, an orchard with historical varieties of trees and barns . The individual rooms at the homestead are furnished with rustic furnishings from the nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth centuries. Agricultural machinery and equipment dating back to the 1830s and 1840s can be seen in the barns .
Educational activities are prepared for adults and children alike at all events, during which visitors can become acquainted with folk customs and traditions and try their hand at traditional crafts and methods, the production of unfired bricks and the threshing of grain with flails.
Folk Costume Consultation - 4 May, 1 June, 6 July, 3 August and 7 September.
Leading experts in the folk costume of the Haná region – Jarmila Vítoslavská and Bronislava Millá – will initiate visitors into the production, secrets and motifs of the Haná folk costume. The folk costume consultation centre will be open from May to September on the first Saturday of the month.